نام کتاب: اصول اولیه سازه برای معماران و مهندسین
نویسنده: فیلیپ گاریسون
ناشر: بلک ول
سال انتشار:2005
تعداد صفحه: 295
Basic Structures for Engineers an Architects
Writer: Philip Garrison
Publisher: black well
Year of publication: 2005
Edition: first
Pages: 295
What is structural engineering?
Learn the language: a simple explanation of terms used by
structural engineers
How do structures (and parts of structures) behave?
Force, mass and weight
Loading – dead or alive
Equilibrium – a balanced approach
More about forces: resultants and components
Different types of support – and what’s a pin?
A few words about stability
Introduction to the analysis of pin-jointed frames
Method of resolution at joints
Method of sections
Graphical method
Shear force and bending moments
This thing called stress
Direct (and shear) stress
Bending stress
Combined bending and axial stress
Structural materials: concrete, steel, timber and masonry
More on materials
How far can I span?
Calculating those loads
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